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Ceramic Dispensing Movement

Materials:Alumina (Al2O3)/ Zirconia(ZrO2) /Si3N4 /SiC

Sizes:Custom according to the drawings

Delivery times:2 -25 days(depends on the quantity)

Precision:Ra 0.1um tolerance: 0.001mm... etc

Features:Heat resistance / Wear resistance / High purity / Refractory / High Corrosion / Good Insulation...

Customized : Ceramic Dispensing Movement Can be custom for special sizes and shapes

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Ceramic plates sheet substrate disc series
Ceramic Dispensing Movement

Ceramic Dispensing Machine Movement working principle: compressed air into the rubber bottle (syringe), the glue into the piston chamber connected to the feed tube, when the piston is in the upper stroke, the piston chamber filled with glue, when the piston down the drip needle, glue from the needle nozzle. The amount of glue dripping is determined by the distance of the piston rushing down, can be manually adjusted, can also be controlled in the software.

Ceramic Dispensing Machine movement characteristics:

high speed, low sensitivity to the viscosity of the adhesive. Ceramic Dispensing Machine

Movement advantages:

can improve the dispensing speed, improve the dispensing environment, improve the quality of dispensing.

Manufacturing Precision:

Musashi Ceramic Dispensing Valve precision machining size up to ±0.001mm, minimum aperture can be machined 0.07mm, the inner hole tolerance can be processed 0.005mm, the cylindrical degree can be up to 0.004mm. High precision, good surface smoothness, Very good sealing performance has completely changed the metal hard seal valve easy to leak, high torque, sealing surface is not resistant to corrosion shortcomings

Materials parameter:
PropertyAlumina PropertyZirconia
Bulk density(g/cm3)3.85-3.93The density (g/cm³)6.05
Hardness(HRA≥)86Bibulous rate(%)0
Bending strength(Mpa≥)300Thermal expansion coefficient(10-6 /k)10.5
Maximum service temperature(℃)1500Young's modulus of elasticity(Gpa)210
Linear expansion coefficient(×10-6/℃)7.15-7.67Poisson's ratio(/)0.3
Dielectric constant(εr(20℃,1MHz))9.21Hardness (MPa)1200
Dielectric loss(tanδ×10-4,1MHz)2.5Bending strength (MPa)950
Volume resistivity(Ω·cm(100℃))9.2*1016The bending strength (MPa)210
The compressive strength(Mpa≥)2500Compressive strength (MPa)2000
Flexural strength(Mpa≥)200Fracture toughness(Mpa.m1/2)10
Modulus of elasticity(Gpa)300Thermal conductivity (W/m.k)2
Poisson's ratio0.2Specific resistivity(Ω.mm2/m)>1015
Thermal conductivity Coefficient(W/m·K(20℃))20Maximum service temperature(℃)1350
Dc breakdown strength43.7Acid and alkali corrosion resistance(/)strength
Tensile seal strength(Mpa)104.4  
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